Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ever felt you were back at school?

Much hilarity at the NCT class. First, we were asked to remember key points from the previous class. All I could remember was Pain, and that the NCT was against it.* Ever felt you were back at school?

We then discussed methods of pain relief, one of which was distraction. We were tempted to write football, beer and talking about cars, but thought better of it. (What wimps we are!)

More later about Swimming Pool Attendants and The Advantages of a Home Birth from the Pregnant Bloke's point of view...

* Calvin Coolidge, 30th US president and known as Silent Cal. When asked the subject of a preacher's sermon, Coolidge replied "Sin." When pushed to elaborate, Coolidge said "The preacher was against it." Read more at and that's where the picture is from, too.

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