Monday, May 28, 2007

Being stitched up

If you thought male circumcision was bad, wait until you learn about episiotomies.

And what about the timing? Just at the wrong moment, the woman might be asked if she wants someone to cut the bit that glues her vagina to her rectum, to let the baby out. Even on a good day, the answer has got to be a big No. On the other hand, ripping open like a soggy paper bag is not too great either. Good grief; it's a no-win situation. Or possibly Catch-22.

Some years ago, a friend had an episiotomy on the birth of her son. After the birth as she was being stitched up, the midwife turned to her husband and asked "If it was about right." Some questions have no answers.

I found a pic of an episiotomy, and decided against including it...

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