First scare this afternoon... At around 3pm, she notices some spotting - blood to you and me, mate - and calls me right away. Heartstopper.
The good news is that all is OK. We went to the GP, he did a quick kind of hand-held scan job that allows you to hear the baby's heartbeat, and we heard it rattling away at 160 beats per minute.
The good news is that all is OK. We went to the GP, he did a quick kind of hand-held scan job that allows you to hear the baby's heartbeat, and we heard it rattling away at 160 beats per minute.
It took the doc a bit of poking about with the electronic stethoscope to find the hearbeat, mind you, and at the end of it my heart rate was waaaay above 160, never mind the nipper. I think wifey's heart had stopped - or at least, all the blood had diverted to her crushing grip on my hand. I can hardly type, and the shy lover's friend may take a while to recover...
When it came to calling for help, when she first saw the blood: shit and corruption. There I am stuck at work, she cannot get hold of the midwife, and we cannot find the numbers for the hospital departments.
The midwifery number we were given to call is not attended during the afternoon. We were not told that. It was on answerphone. The assigned midwife turns her mobile off when she is not on shift (fair enough). There is no deputy's number on her voicemail. Rising panic? You bet.
Four hours after we called the midwifery department, and after we had separately made a GP appointment, a midwife called back. When we quizzed her about which number to call in future, she was not at all clear. Nor would she take action. Or suggest a course of action. She was not even sure if we came under midwifery, obstetrics, maternity or geriatrics. I'd have settled for dentistry at that point.
Anyway, MAJOR stress factor all round. The main thing is, all seems OK. Phew. Probably the Chalfonts, which is a common affliction in mid-term pregnancy.
Lessons to self: (1) keep the midwife's land and mobile number handy, (2) find out about alternative numbers to call.
And if that was all a scary one for me, imagine what it was like for wifey.
When it came to calling for help, when she first saw the blood: shit and corruption. There I am stuck at work, she cannot get hold of the midwife, and we cannot find the numbers for the hospital departments.
The midwifery number we were given to call is not attended during the afternoon. We were not told that. It was on answerphone. The assigned midwife turns her mobile off when she is not on shift (fair enough). There is no deputy's number on her voicemail. Rising panic? You bet.
Four hours after we called the midwifery department, and after we had separately made a GP appointment, a midwife called back. When we quizzed her about which number to call in future, she was not at all clear. Nor would she take action. Or suggest a course of action. She was not even sure if we came under midwifery, obstetrics, maternity or geriatrics. I'd have settled for dentistry at that point.
Anyway, MAJOR stress factor all round. The main thing is, all seems OK. Phew. Probably the Chalfonts, which is a common affliction in mid-term pregnancy.
Lessons to self: (1) keep the midwife's land and mobile number handy, (2) find out about alternative numbers to call.
And if that was all a scary one for me, imagine what it was like for wifey.
PS Just found this on the web:
Author: Adam Hunt
Imprint: Random House Australia
Price: $16.95
Subject: Family/Pregnancy
Format: Paperback
Release: 1-07-2003
Imprint: Random House Australia
Price: $16.95
Subject: Family/Pregnancy
Format: Paperback
Release: 1-07-2003
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