Monday, November 06, 2006

Guy Fawkes

We're used to having friends and family round - often, and lots of them. For Guy Fawkes we had around 30 people, including children, and fed them with beans and baked spuds.

Big mistake.

By about 8pm, she was totally knackered. Not just tired, or feeling that she was running around for everyone - I mean absolutely flat battery.

She gets completely zonked if she doesn't watch it. The early warning signs are grumpiness and desire for food that she is too tired to do anything about.

Hard to deal with. What's this person, normally full of energy, doing crashing out at 3pm?

Keep telling myself, she's not making it up. But for God's sake, she's only one week pregnant, by my reckoning, or five weeks by the book. Can it really be this bad?

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