Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Pregnant Bloke: Week One - or not

An exciting week, seeing the world with new eyes. All I can think about is how things will be...

One of the first things to emerge is that there seems to be no agreed way of defining the number of weeks for a pregnancy. What seemed to be Week One to me (ie, the first week when we knew for sure) turns out to be either Week Five or Week Three, depending on which book you read and how you count.

Broadly, most books say 42 weeks from the day after the last period (I think this is called LOP, dunno why). Some books count from day 15 after the last period, sometimes allowing 40 weeks and sometimes 42.

In our case, it looks like 12 July for the EDD (Expected Date of Delivery - oh yes, pregnancy is full of acronyms).

Bafflingly, if you count 10 weeks backwards from the LOP date (ie, 52 weeks less ten weeks = 42 weeks), you arrive at a different EDD completely.

Summer baby. Good enough for me.

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