Wednesday, May 09, 2007

There ain't no sanity clause

First NCT class tonight, from 8-10pm. General view: excellent and enjoyable. Good to meet other blokes up the duff, so to speak, and hear what they really think. Not to mention that they are a cool bunch of people. The class main messages seemed to be:

  • A plan never survives first contact with the enemy, though perhaps put in a slightly more caring, sharing manner

  • There is going to be pain, a great deal of pain. We used to say (when I was younger and fitter) that pain is weakness coming out of the body. I managed not to blurt that out. Phew.

  • It will all be OK, despite all our fears.

We agreed to a Confidentiality Clause, though not necessarily a Sanity Clause.

Groucho: "That's in every contract, that's what you call a sanity clause."
Chico: "You can't a fool a me there ain't no sanity clause"

Pic from and countless other sites

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