All the hoohah and excitement about counting down the 40 weeks (see early blog entries) turns out to be piffle. A baby is deemed to be full term from 37 weeks up to 42 weeks and, in practice, anywhere in the five-week window is situation normal. Or possibly snafu. (My guess is that the 37-42 spread is something like 95 per cent range, and an arithmetical bell emblazoned 'standard deviation' is ringing in the muffled distance...)
Anyway, stuff that: this numerical guesswork and ignorance means that we are between four and nine weeks away... Four??? FOUR!!! Billions of blue blistering barnacles: FOUR WEEKS!!!
Pic swiped from the very jolly http://www.angelfire.com/super2/animorphs/home.html and you can find a superb directory of curses at http://www3.sympatico.ca/brooksdr/haddock/main.htm